Unlock Your Potentials Using 7 Powerful and Impactful Leadership Skillsets and Apply
NLP & Neuro-Semantics Techniques To Create Huge Results
Won’t you like to experience the greatest learning experience of change in your life as a leader, a head of department, a manager, a supervisor, a head of family…that touches your mind, body and your heart?
Would you want to learn the Communication Model that gets into the heart of things?
Would you want to value-add your skills so that you can move up to a higher level of performance in your leadership role?
If you are currently searching for some, here is what we got for you;
Leadership Skill of Listening (Skill #1)
- Have you learnt an art of listening yet... an art of being present to another...your followers...your staff...your family... ?
- Do you know that listening is a skill you can develop?
- Do you know that you can listen to a multi-facet nature of a person's matrix?
- Do you know that you can listen to someone's representations when they experience something 'out there'?
- Do you know that you can listen to someone's internal movies?
- Do you know that you can also listen to someone's representations in the way they speak?
- Would you want to be able to sharpen your sensory acuity skill?
- Would you want to be able to pick up cues from someone's mental processing through the eye?
- Would you want to listen to questions that would send someone’s mind to 'places' in a way this person processes the information?
- Would you want to be able to calibrate a person's processing from these cues?
- Would you know how to benchmark and gauge your own listening skill?

Leadership Skill of Supporting (Skill #2)
Would creating an atmosphere of trust and safety be valuable for you when dealing with your staff, your family members and your community?
What are pacing, matching and mirroring and how do they play a role in creating those atmosphere?
Here you get an opportunity to learn the processes;
- Pacing
- Physiological Pacing
- Verbal Pacing
- Meta or Conceptual Pacing
- Perceptual Flexibility
- Benchmark for supporting
- Pattern: Well-formed Outcome and the SCORE Model
Leadership Skill of Framing & Reframing (Skill #3)
- Building optimism
- Pattern: Optimism
- Reframing Criticism
- How Reframing Works
- Conscious Reframing
- Framing & Reframing Exercise
- The Power of Meaning-Making
- Pattern: Meaning-making Ownership
- New Meanings
- The Power of Intention
- Pattern: Intentional Stance
Leadership Skill of Managing & Inducing States (Skill #4)
- Neuro-Linguistic States
- State Management #101
- Elicitation Skills
- State Accessing and Anchoring
- Anchoring
- Benchmarks for Inducing States
- Meta-States – The Power of the Higher State
- The Basic Meta-stating
- The States of Welcoming
- Patterns: The Powers of Acceptance, Appreciation, Awe, Permission & Embracing
- The Swish Pattern
- Movie Rewind Pattern
- The Power of Beliefs
- Pattern: Classic NLP Traditional Belief Change
- Meta-Yes-ing as Belief Change
Leadership Skill of Questioning (Skill #5)
- Precision Questioning
- Introducing the Meta-Model
- Representational Tracking
- The Meta-Levels of Language
- The Categories of the Meta-Model
- Questions and Effects
- Meta-Model Exercises
- Cognitive Distortions
- Pattern: Cleaning up Distortions
- Benchmarks for Questioning
Leadership Skill of Giving/Receiving Feedback (Skill #6)
- The Power of Feedback
- Receiving Feedback like a Pro
- Giving Quality Feedback
Leadership Skill of Profiling (Skill #7)
- Meta-Programs
- Perceptual Filters & Operating Systems
- Driver Meta-Program
- Profiling for Modal Operators, Choice in Adapting, Motivation Direction
- Pattern: Having Great Meetings
Further Leadership Skill (Future Training)
- Coaching – Meta-Coaching
- Why Meta-Coaching?
- Axes of Change – New Generative Coaching

- Assessing your competency levels
Brought to you by Your Friendly Coach & Passionate Trainer.
So don't just sit there, start emailing me at mnasserismail@yahoo.com.au.

M Nasser Ismail, ACMC
Personal & Executive Coach
Neuro-Semantics & NLP Trainer