The Neuro-Semantics of Unleashing Your Potentials
for Emotional Vitality
Executive Summary
Day 1: Emotional Intelligence
Design of Emotional Mastery workshop
Personal Empowerment Test
What are Emotions?
Empowering Beliefs for Emotional Mastery
Emotional Myths
Dimensions of Emotions
Success Factors for Emotional Mastery
* Meaningful to the Core pattern
* Just Witness your Emotions
Day 2: Emotional Mastery
Questioning for Emotional Mastery
Emotional Mastery Process
1) Acceptance — Acknowledge your emotions as emotions.
* Meta-Stating Troubling Emotions
2) Awareness — Be mindful of your emotions as map/ territory signals
* Meta-Stating a Witnessing Ownership
* Name and Gauge the Emotion
3) Exploration — Explore how you create your emotions.
* Into the Matrix
4) Appreciation — Appreciate what you can learn from your emotions.
* Checklisting Cognitive Distortions
Day 3: Emotional Vitality
5) Energize — Create a Bodily Vitality for a Somatic Base
6) Texturing — Add rich quality to your emotions.
* Texturing States for Richer Qualities
7) Passionate Meaning— Add meaningfulness for self-actualizing emotions.
* Meta-Stating Pleasure
Emotional Mastery explores the meaning and nature of our emotions— what they are, how they work, what explains them, and how to develop the necessary emotional intelligence to handle them effectively. In Emotional Mastery you will learn how to become aware of your emotions, monitor them, explore their causes and contributing factors, alter them, change them, transform them, and use them effectively for getting the most out of life.
Emotions make us feel alive, vital, and meaningful. Without our emotions, we would lose our motivation and drive. Emotions enable us to actualize our highest and best and to become all that we can become.
But emotions are also a double-edge sword, while they can provide the best and brightest moments of life — love, joy, peace, wonder, delight, humor, compassion, awe, they can also create some of the most horrendous and hellish experiences— fear, panic, terror, hatred, bitterness, resentment, jealousy, despair, depression, self-contempt, etc.
Managing our emotions well so that they enhance the quality of our lives, our relationships, our motivation, our health and well-being, and our self-actualization— that’s what Emotional Mastery is all about.
The focus here is on seven steps to Emotional Mastery:
1) Acceptance — Acknowledge your emotions as emotions.
2) Awareness — Be mindful of your emotions as map/ territory signals
3) Exploration — Explore how you create your emotions.
4) Appreciation — Appreciate what you can learn from your emotions.
5) Energize — Create a Bodily Vitality for a Somatic Base
6) Texturing — Add rich quality to your emotions.
7) Passion — Add meaningfulness for self-actualizing emotions.
* to get your e-brochure, write to mnasserismail@yahoo.com.au
To Your Highest and Best
M Nasser Ismail, ACMC
Neuro-Semantics & NLP Trainer (ISNS)
Personal & Executive Coach (MCF,ISNS)
