You may be a school or college principal, a senior teacher, a human resources manager, a human resources practitioner or a personnel manager, a head of department/ division or section, a technical manager, a general manager, a CEO, or a team-leader engaging in an important recruitment exercise, or perhaps aspiring to improve your management and communication skills to handle your staff most effectively, then you realize that it would be handy if you could make a structured and constructive evaluation of your potential candidates for the position you’ve advertised, or even making a quick and effective appraisal of your staff so that you can communicate well with them to achieve high performance at work, but you have only vague ideas of how to go about doing it.
Bearing in mind the qualities you wish to have from a candidate or staff, you then sort out and follow through your routine procedure of who you would like to hire and what you’ll like to achieve. The question is, “how would you refine the selection process to enable you to identify the ‘right’ candidate for the position…a selection that helps you identify the ‘right’ candidate beyond what’s provided on the resume?” Or “how would you refine your appraisals to enable you to manage and communicate well with your staff to achieve peak performance?”
Would you want to have an edge in terms of knowing more about the candidate (or staff) in how he thinks and responds to certain requirements of a job situation in your department, your school, your company? Would you want to know if he or she blends into the organization well so that he or she will add value to and increase the productivity of your organization? Would you want to be able to ‘read’ or ‘profile’ such candidate or staff so that you can figure out whether this is the person you really want to hire or add value to? Would you also want to save your budget on training and to avoid the agony of readjusting your budget to train your newly hired staff knowing later that he or she does not really fit into your organization timely upon hiring?
If so, you can get even closer to your objectives with “Profiling - using the tools of NLP in Human Resources Planning & Development” training. This will be what you really have to have.
So let’s see if these are among what you would like to get out of the process of selecting the best candidate for the position you’ve advertised or to better manage your current staff;
· How does a candidate (staff or teacher) usually operate in getting a job done? Does he/she adapt himself/herself by procedures?
· How does a candidate (staff or teacher) get motivated to do a task assigned to him/her?
· Is the candidate (staff or teacher) a potential team player, manager, independent worker or dependent?
· In what thinking style does the candidate (staff or teacher) normally use when discussing on getting a project done?
· How does a candidate (staff or teacher) relate to things, jobs, people or experiences in terms of being able to co-exist or entirely mis-matching?
· How does a candidate (staff or teacher) normally attend to in a relationship with other workers?
· How will a (leader,manager) candidate (staff or teacher) be convinced in a certain job that someone does?
· How would you know if a candidate (staff or teacher) gets something done by executing it or reflecting on it before performing it?
· How will the candidate (staff or teacher) act on stress at work?
· What tells you that the candidate (staff or teacher) works on the WHY of things or works on the HOW to?
· Will the candidate (staff or teacher) that suits the position/organisation be one who gets plans carried or one who spends time just perceiving them?
· What concept of time does the candidate (staff or teacher) live by?
If these satisfy you, then ‘Profiling - using the tools of NLP in Human Resources Planning & Development’ training will be the way to go. It is a 3-day training program conducted by an Internationally Certified Meta-Coach and Neuro-Semantics & NLP Trainer with the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS), Colorado USA, and the Meta-Coach Foundation (MCF) Sydney Australia.
Practical Sessions

Debriefing, Discussing and Preparing Evaluation

The Trainer & Coach

“The workshop is more than excellent. A must-have for everybody. I categorize it as "small investment, VERY large return" because it's not only useful at work but also in everyday life. It helps to materialize my visualized person for the position and make observing people and understand them more interesting and fun.”
Salmimanja Hj Hassan
Project Coordinator/Acting Economic Officer
Human Resource Development Division.
“The training opens your mind, trains my mind wider to look, listen further and beyond what the other person is trying to portray. It provides you with the ability to pose those questions which provoke unspoken volume of information about your candidates through just the little words and unconscious gestures. My purpose in attending has been to ‘read’ a person and instead, I achieved more than that. I ‘read’ more of me too.”
Mariani Hj Abbas
Energy Economist / Mechanical Engineer
Corporate Division.
“This workshop helps me to learn using an additional tool in assessing a candidate ie using NLP toolkit. Using this, a candidate can be assessed through verbal and non verbal communications. This workshop should be attended by those are involved in recruitment / selection of candidates of any organisation.”
Hjh Rapiah Hj Dullah
Economic Officer
Human Resources Development Division.
To Your Highest & Best

M Nasser Ismail, ACMC
Personal & Executive Coach (MCF)
Neuro-Semantics & NLP Trainer (ISNS)
Contact e-mail: